洋書learn to play the guitara step -by- step guide・use this books to start playing straight away:no previous musical knowledge required・teaches you the basics of acoustic any electric guitar technique・includes valuable advice on buying an instrument and amplifier・diagrams and photographs make it easy for you to find notes and chords・explains the workings of song structures,and showsyou how to play simple solos and accompaniments・find out how to liven up practice sessions by using tape recorders and other electoronics・over 120 color illustrations★カバーの劣化が、かなりあります★★画像の確認のほど、よろしくお願いいたします★長期間、自宅保管による経年劣化(ヤケ、シミ、折れ、キズ、汚れ、破れ、潰れ等)があります。中古品(古本)であることを御理解の上、御検討くださいますようお願いいたします。ギター 教則本