What should my staff bring with them to the testing center?

Your staff must bring a picture identification card to the collecting facility, such as a driver’s license.

Is it possible to add anything to a urine sample to mask drug usage and obtain a false-negative test result?

Many people assume that adulterating their urine sample will result in a negative test result. Attempts to manufacture a negative test result, on the other hand, are frequently detected in laboratory validity testing.

Is there a difference between the regulations for drug and alcohol testing for small businesses and those for companies with big fleets?

The drug testing requirements apply to all motor carriers, regardless of size, whether they have one driver or several.

Do you have to take a drug test as part of your DOT physical?

Although a drug test is not required as part of the DOT physical exam, you will be required to provide a urine sample. This is done to check for any potential medical abnormalities with your kidneys.

What is the purpose of the DOT Physical Medical Examination?

The goal of the DOT Exam is to determine if a driver is in good health and capable of safely operating a commercial motor vehicle.

Who is qualified to do my DOT physical?

-Doctors of Medicine

-Doctors of Osteopathy

-Doctors of Chiropractic

-Physician Assistants

-Advanced Practice Nurses

What do I bring to best be prepared for my exam?

-A list of all over-the-counter and prescribed medication to include dose and frequency(how often the medication is taken).

-Bring a list of all providers you regularly see including phone numbers and addresses.

-Your glasses, contacts or hearing aids

-A record of your blood sugar log, most recent labs, hearts tests and neurological tests.

– Record from your CPAP machine with 90 days history

– If you have heart or neurological issues, you will need to bring a letter from your doctor stating clearance.

-If you take blood thinners, controlled substance, or any work restrictions, you will need a letter from your primary.

Who needs a DOT physical?

-Any driver operating a Commercial motor vehicle involved in interstate commerce.

-Any driver operating a Commercial motor vehicle between two places in a state, through another state, or a place outside of the United States

-Any driver operating a Commercial motor vehicle between two places in the state or part of trade, traffic, or transportation originating or terminating outside of the United States.


What is the definition of a Commercial Motor Vehicle?

-Vehicle with a combined gross vehicle weight or weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more;

-Vehicle is designed or used to transport more than 8-15 passengers(including the driver) for or not for compensation.

-Vehicle transports hazardous materials in quantities that require placards under hazardous materials regulations.

What do I need to expect at my DOT physical appointment?

A medical history asking about your previous medical history of medications, surgeries, tobacco, alcohol, use or recreational drugs, drug testing history and symptoms you are experiencing.


A physical examination will be performed to measure your height, weight, blood pressure, vision, hearing, general appearance, skin, eyes, ears, mouth and throat, heart, lungs, abdomen, neck,  back and thoracic spine, genital(hernias), urinary, nervous system, reflexes and walking ability.


A urine sample is a routine part of the examination to check for protein, blood sugar and specific gravity. This will alert the examiner to any further testing that may be needed.

What do I bring to best be prepared for my exam (All physical exams)?

-A list of all over the counter and prescribed medication to include dose and frequency (how often the medication is taken).

-Bring a list of all providers you regularly see including phone numbers and addresses.

-Your glasses, contacts or hearing aids

-A record of your blood sugar log, most recent labs, hearts tests and neurological tests.

– Record from your CPAP machine with 90 days history

– If you have heart or neurological issues, you will need to bring a letter from your doctor stating clearance.

-If you take blood thinners, controlled substance, or any work restrictions, you will need a letter from your primary.

What should I expect at a College Physical Exam?

During your college physical exam, you can expect the following:

Health History Review: Your medical practitioner will ask about your medical history, lifestyle habits, and any notable health events. This information helps create a comprehensive picture of your health.

Vital Signs Assessment: Vital signs, including temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate, will be measured to evaluate your current health status.

Heart and Lung Examination: Using a stethoscope, your healthcare provider will listen to your heart and lungs for any irregularities.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Check: The ears, nose, and throat will be examined for issues such as infections, inflammation, and dental health.

Comprehensive Physical Examination: This may include skin assessments, abdominal exams, and tests of muscular strength and reflexes.

Blood Work: Depending on your medical history and college requirements, blood work may be ordered to assess various health factors.

Why do colleges demand physical examinations?

Colleges prioritize your well-being and academic success. the primary goal of college physical exams is to screen for any potential health issues, allowing institutions to provide the necessary resources and accommodations for your journey through higher education. Additionally, these exams ensure that students are physically prepared for the rigors of sports and extracurricular activities.

Further info regarding requirements for DOT information are available here:
